College visits...a few things

I recently just got back from a college preview weekend and thought I'd let you in a few things we have learned throughout this whole crazy process and transition from high school to college. Let's jump right in!

C O L L E G E    V I S I T S

  • It's a ton of info to take in at one time. They only have a certain amount of time (usually a day or a day and a half) to overload you with the facts and glories of their school. Ask questions! Sit down and take a breath, collect youreselves. This is something you need to be present for mentally. 
  • Make the most of your visit. If you have an idea of a major you might go into, speak with someone from that department, talk to a current student, and take home all the handouts you possibly can! Because it's so much information from so many different people,  75% will be gone from your brain the next day, and the handouts give you something to look back to. 
  • If you do not know what you might like to major in yet, think of what you like. Good at biology? Check out sciences. Music? Check out the music department. Enjoy writing stories and letting your mind run? Talk to someone in Creative Writing/English. Want to travel? Check out Study Abroard or Travel Studies. There is a college for you.
  • Go with your gut. If you feel like a college just isn't for you, that's fine. Move on to the next. But if one or more college feels right to you, keep it in mind. Talk to an admissions counselor and prepare for that college, even though you may not end up there. 
  • Where is it located? I want to stay close to home and that has been a big thing to consider during my college hunt. What is the town like? Is it a college town? How safe is the environment you'll be living in for the next few years?

And don't look at college as four years of textbooks and crappy food. Look at it as the years where you'll meet your closest friends, find who you are, and begin to discover how God will use you to influence people. 



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